- 3 Channels
- Range DC, 0.2Hz to 500kHz
- Display Resolution 4 3/4 digit
- Measurement Range 700mVrms to 1000Vrms (1440Vpk) (200mVrms with display blanking off)
- Vpeak Ranges 1440, 720, 220, 110, 33.0, 16.0, 5.0, 2.5
- Max input volts 1440Vpk Overload 3000Vrms for 1 second
- Accuracy 0.1% Reading 0.1% Range 10mV
- DC 0.5% Reading 0.5% Range 10mV
- Common mode 90dB
- Input impedance 1Mohm 12pF
The PA4400A series offers single phase, two wattmeter and three phase power analysis, with full power meter and watt meter capability. Three phase power analyzers / watt meters are a necessity when several ac power measurements need to be recorded during testing - from one set of input connections. Three phase watt meters are important when accurate watts measurement is necessary for certification and traceability. In addition to power measurement (watts), energy, reactive power (VAr), apparent power (VA), voltage rms, current rms, power factor and harmonics, can all be viewed with ease. All Powertek power meters / wattmeters simply connect between the ac supply and the load, various current transformer and shunt options allow measurement with any level of current amplitude. Typical three phase watt meter applications include appliance testing like generators, electric stoves, heating, air conditioning, pumps, fans, electronic lighting and motor controllers. All our power meters are equipped with safety terminals (4mm/banana) along with optional "breakout" boxes and clamp probes for fast and safe measurement.
- 68A: RS232