Additional Features:
- 100 MHz, AC/DC Current Probe Amplifier
- Automatic scaling and units-Oscilloscope on-screen readout of magnitude and amps reduces measurement errors with no more hand calculations
- AC/DC input coupling
- Low insertion impedance reduces device under test loading
- Split-core construction allows easy circuit connection
- Status indicators provide visual operating status and notification of potential error conditions - degauss, probe open, overload, not terminated into 50 Ω, noncompatible probe type
- Low DC drift and noise allows improved low-level current measurements
- 3rd party safety certification
Development and analysis solutions for designers, installers, and service personnel in telecom, data comm, computer, and semiconductor power electronics environments for:
- Power supplies (switching and linear)
- Semiconductor devices (SCRs, IGBTs, MOSFETs, CMOS, BJTs)
- Power inverters/converters
- Electronic ballasts
- Industrial/consumer electronics
- Mobile communications (phone, satellite, relay stations)
- Motor drives
- Transportation systems (electronic vehicles, electric trains, locomotives, avionics)
The TCPA300 amplifier, when used with TCP312A, TCP305A, or TCP303 probes, provides a wide range of current measurement capability and spans the gap between low-level milliamp measurements to very high current levels. These three probes provide current measurement capabilities of 30 A, 50 A, and 150 A DC continuous.